The QifCon project is build via Maven 2.0.4+.
Once you have followed the instructions to install Maven there are not project specific steps to follow.
Run mvn clean to clean the project.
Run mvn install to build the project.
If you get build failures because of unit tests then run mvn surefire-report:report > to see the reasons for the failures. You will need to open the "target/site/surefire-report.html" for the failing project in a web browser.
Run mvn site to create the project web site in target/site.
If you would like to dynamically see the project web site use mvn site:run and then browse to localhost:8080 . Any changes to files can be seen by refreshing your web browser.
Run mvn eclipse:eclipse to automatically create the necessary Eclipse project files.
You can then import the modules as Eclipse projects by following these steps:
You may wish to "Team -> Disconnect" these imported projects as this "Project's within a Project Workspace" is not supported fully and there are issues with Subversion. The only drawback with this method is that you need to "File -> Refresh" (or F5) all the projects prior to committing to the repository and that you need to use the qifcon project root to synchronize against (you can't use the imported projects).